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Created Using: Autodesk Maya, ZBrush, Adobe Photoshop & Premierre. Rendered in Mental Ray.


This project was based around a 2D illustration by my Mother Michele McCarthy. The scene changed and developed along the way, such as the positon of the horse and the action between the horse and woman. This was to allow for a correct representation of the horse’s anatomy. In the concept the horse and woman are much more distressed, however in the 3D the blank stare of the horse’s expression and relaxed pose on the bed.
I worked between Maya, Zbrush, Marvellous Designer and Photoshop in the production of this scene. Firstly blocking out the various element, then taking these into zbrush to add detailing and textures. Both the horse and women were built and rigged, before being posed and then finally sculpted and textured using zbrush. Most of the fabric in the scene was first created using marvellous designer, to get the basic flow and shape of the fabric. This was then taken in to zbrush where it could retopologised and projected before finally adding more detail and texture. The scene was then taken back into Maya, using a combination of normal and displacement maps where necessary. The hair of the horse’s tail and mane where then added using GMH2 hair plugin. (Which allows you to create polygon object which can then be converted to hair particles.)
Throughout the project I worked back and forth between zbrush and Maya, this allowed me to develop the overall composition and develop the lighting throughout the whole production. The scene was then finally rendered using Mental Ray.

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